Built on the industry-leading UR platform, the G60 offers superior protection for medium and large generators, including large steam and combustion turbines, combined cycle generators and multi-circuit hydro units. The G60 may also be used on pumped storage generators without the need to switch the CT secondary circuitry. The G60 provides advanced communication with an integrated, fully managed Ethernet switch reducing network installation costs while supporting industry standard communication protocols.
Key Benefits
- Secure, high-speed protection elements for complete generator protection, compliant with IEEE C37.102
- Advanced IEC 61850 Ed. 1 and Ed. 2 certified implementation, complete settings via SCL files and flexible process bus support (IEC 61850-9-2LE or IEC 61850-9-2 Hardfiber) ensures interoperability, device managing optimization and reduced cost of ownership
- Routable GOOSE (R-GOOSE) enables GOOSE messages going beyond the substation, which enables wide area protection and control applications
- Robust network security enabling Critical Infrastructure Protection through user command logging, and dual permission access control
- Phasor Measurement Unit (synchrophasor) according to IEEE® C37.118 (2011) and IEC® 61850-90-5 support
- Application flexibility with multiple I/O options including high density I/O, programmable logic, modularity, and specific customization
- An integrated large, full color display, provides real-time visualization and control of the protected bay, via a bay mimic as well as annunciator functionality and graphical visualization of phasors
- Medium to large generators typically driven by steam, gas or hydraulic turbines
- Pumped storage generators used as pumping motors for reservoir storage
- Stand-alone protection or component in automated substation control systems
- Standard protection product offering on new General Electric generator installations
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